Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Classroom Website!

I made a classroom website. I put upcoming announcements, homework information, contact information, and resource information on it. I chose to add a calendar, clock, weather gadget, and text gadgets to make it more visually pleasing and informative for the parents and students who access it! Check it out:

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Week 10: Bubble Map

I would use to model a thinking map to plan for narrowing a "Watermelon Topic" down to a "Seed Story." I would start my center bubble with the watermelon topic, then show how I can zoom into that topic by identifying times that I have gone to the beach with different people. From there I can show how to zoom in more to identify specific activities or events within each group of people. Finally I would zoom in one last time to pick a seed and elaborate with details to plan my story. I think that using this tool would greatly enhance the understanding of zooming in from a "Watermelon Topic" to a "Seed Story."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Jing Video

I just created a JING video showing how to use Microsoft Word to create a graph! Check it out!
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